Hi everyone! Just wanted to give you a quick heads up that I have jury duty this week and not sure what the length will be. This coupled with work is taking up most of my time so I will be taking a brief break-sorry! 🙁
Good news though, I will be posting about my giveaway soon so please stay tuned for that! They are going to be great skincare items so I am very excited about that. 🙂
Thank you so much for your patience and understanding,
Oh that’s a bummer about jury duty! Hopefully it won’t last too long 🙂
I was dismissed because the nature of the trial hit close to home. Relieved because it is going to be a lengthy one- about 2 weeks.
Oh wow! Phew. Yay for getting dismissed! 🙂
Yes, it was exhausting. 🙁
I hope it wouldn’t take long 🙂
I was dismissed so that’s good because it was slated to last 2 weeks.
That’s is so awesome 🙂
Boo! Jury duty is the pits! I was selected for jury duty last month but rescheduled it for next Oct. Ugh so not looking forward to it. I hope its a quick case and gets settled quick! We’ll be here when you get back! xo <3
Thank you Jen! I was dismissed from the case because the nature of it was similar to something that happened in my family and I couldn’t be biased. It was going to be a lengthy one too-about 2 weeks. 🙁 This is the first time I ever got that far. Normally, I get summons but never had to report. This time, I went right on through to the juror box.
Glad you don’t have to participate after all. Jury duty isn’t much fun.
Me too! It would have been a lot anyway.
Ugh jury duty! I’ve been lucky… I haven’t been picked for it in ages. But I can usually get out of it because I have a family member who was a cop, that’s my loophole. But the last time I got picked, I had just moved and it happened to be to a different county (though in the same general area), so I had that loophole too. 😉
Definitely lucky! I normally get summonsed but never have to report. This time, I went all the way to the juror box but was dismissed. I have several members in law enforcement too but the nature of the case hit close to home and I was found unsuitable to deliver an impartial take on it. Understandable and I am a bit relived too because it would take about 2 weeks.
Oh, that sucks! Hopefully it will be an interesting case!
Corinne x
I was dismissed due to the nature of the case and a similar experience in my life.
Awwwh such a shame 🙁 Hope you see you back on soon – miss you already chum!!! Karen Xo
Aww. Thanks Karen! I was dismissed from the case due to the nature of the case. I missed reading posts but at the same time I was so exhausted, I didn’t even feel like reading anything, lol. Will try to catch up as best as I can though.
I guess that’s not a bad thing eh? I’m sure you didn’t, never any point in pushing yourself just for the sake of it! Hopefully you’ll get a good rest and feel on top form soon! Just be careful you don’t over exhaust yourself huni <3 XXXX
No, not a bad thing but I feel they sometimes have a way of making you feel guilty. 🙁 Thanks so much for the advice Karen. Sometimes, I do tend to do everything all at once and end up stressed which isn’t good.
So welcome huni – enjoy your weekend as much as possible!! Xo
Will do! You too Karen! 🙂
you’ll be missed
Thank you! I was dismissed from the case due to the nature of it and an experience I had and I am relieved too because it was going to take about 2 weeks.
Thank goodness ?
When you come back, I nominated you for the Liebster Award! Here is the link for more details: https://styledwithjoy.wordpress.com/2015/03/12/the-liebster-award/
Thank you so much! 🙂 <3