Hi everyone! I have another quote I found and loved accompanied by this amazing picture taken by my sister. Enjoy the beautiful California scenery! 🙂
Originally, I read the quote in Spanish but I translated it up at the top. I think this quote holds a lot of merit. Often, we equate success with material items and while I am not saying acquiring these things isn’t great, we are also successful when we evolve as a person. Everyone has fears that hold them back from accomplishing goals but what were to happen of we decided to step out of our comfort zone? Would we grow emotionally, spiritually or physically? Perhaps therein would lie your success and who knows what endless possibilities it will lead to!
Do you agree? What’s your definition of success?
just beautiful and amazing words!
Thank you! xoxo
Great quote! 🙂
Thank you!
I completely agree! I went out of my comfort zone and moved far away from home to Las Vegas. I started blogging to help me keep my mind off of things and to keep busy and it’s been one of the best things I have ever done. Though I am happy to be moving back home but I feel like at least I tried something different and tried to live here even though I don’t like it here much lol.
I’m so glad that you started blogging! I can’t imagine what it’s like to leave your hometown and start anew elsewhere but you did it! There really is sometimes no place like home so I am happy you’ll be moving back. It’s an experience and sadly not all are always great but at least you won’t have the ‘what if’. And you started blogging so that’s always something great. A true inspiration! <3
Thank you so much for your kind words Stephanie 🙂 I am so glad that I started blogging too. It’s been the best thing I have ever done. Yeah it’s been quite an experience living here. My first time moving out of my Mom’s house and I move across the country lol. You’re always such a positive and sweet person! You’re an inspiration to me as well! <3
Lol, you are much braver than me. Aww thanks Katie! I try to be positive but I think I fall short when it comes to me personally; I am my own worst critic as they say. Working on it though! 🙂
You’re welcome Stephanie! Yeah I know what you mean. I am positive and encouraging towards other people but when it comes to myself that’s a different story lol. 🙂
Beautiful quote & picture. Success to me is striving to be the best person you can be and contributing to society in a positive manner. Have a good Easter & thanks for sharing.
Agreed! I think helping out is the best thing you can do! There really is no point in being ‘successful’ if you abuse others in the process. I know it’s a bit off topic but that just really grinds my gears. I think as human beings, we need to help each other out but I feel some of that is being lost. 🙁
The human factor is being lost in this fast paced world. So many people r so busy they 4get they are dealing with people & unless we help each other society wont survive.
Ok that was a downer. Just be kind & help each other peoples! ?
Haha, no I know what you mean and I agree. We are losing touch little by little and hoping we can turn it around. Especially the generation that’s growing up. I feel they are very disrespectful but that’s just me. I was brought up to have manners and be respectful and boy was I in trouble if I was anything but. I don’t know, just rambling my thoughts, lol.
Such a beautiful quote Steph! And the picture looks amazing and compliments the quote beautifully!!!
I agree with you… Success is indeed, in real terms, when we overcome whatever hold us back from growing…
Thanks dear!
🙂 I love my sister’s pics and pairing them with quotes I find inspiring. 🙂 Glad you enjoyed it and thanks so much for stopping by!