The advantages of exercise are numerous. It increases endorphins, elevates your mood, decreases your risk for disease, controls your weight, focuses your mind, reduces stress, and keeps you healthy and strong.
Beauty bonus: As your heart rate increase, it sends oxygen to your skin and creates a healthy glow.
Pretty great benefits if you ask me. But what happens when you start developing a host of other issues? Dry skin. Sudden breakouts. The dreaded bacne. Not really what you signed up for, is it?
Instead of throwing in the towel, a few adjustments to your skincare routine can make a huge difference.
Here are some guidelines and factors to keep in mind before and after your workout.
Wear sunscreen! Use a broad spectrum SPF of at least 30 and reapply frequently when sweating or swimming, especially when outdoors.
Exercising makes your skin lose moisture so wear a light-weight moisturizer.
If possible, immediately wash your face and body after working out. Alcohol-free towelettes or makeup remover wipes can work to remove sweat and dirt if you can’t wash your face.
If your skin feels dry after cleansing (meaning no oil), try switching to a cream based cleanser. Adding a hydrating mask 2-3 times per week can help.
Combination/ Oily skin can use a gel or foam wash. If you are prone to breakouts, choose a cleanser with acne fighting ingredients- tea tree, sulfur, benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, and/ or papain (papaya enzymes) are a few ingredients to look for. Using a clay based mask up to 3 times per week can help control sebum and draw out impurities.
Tight-fighting workout clothes sweat and friction can lead to breakouts on your body, especially your back. Adding breathable, moisture-wicking fabrics and showering right after you workout can help. If you’re prone to breakouts on your back, use a salicylic acid body wash, gently exfoliate with a scrub, and spot treat.
Excessive sweating and heat can cause flare ups if you have eczema– something to keep in mind.
I hope this post was helpful!
Feel free to leave a question or comment.
When I work out, I always do it first thing in the morning so I can wash up afterward…and I don’t even get that sweaty! Great advice 🙂
I’m glad you enjoyed the post! I usually workout in the evening, so I can shower afterward; however, I know people go running outside and take care of their errands afterward and that’s where towelettes come in handy 🙂
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Great article and blog!!! Check it out!
Thank you! 🙂