Hi everyone!  I hope that your weekend was great. 🙂
Today’s post is more on the personal side but I feel it may be beneficial for some who are going through tough times.  It’s so easy to post about the great and wonderful moments in our life but what happens when that dynamic changes? We all know that life is a constant motion of highs and lows and that it’s important to stay on the positive side but let’s face it-sometimes it seems impossible to remain positive. Your loved ones are diagnosed with cancer.  The symptoms of a chronic illness that were under control are suddenly surfacing again.  Someone used and lied to you.  How do you cope?
When difficult moments arise, it can feel like you’re battling it alone and in some senses, that’s true. After all, you’re the one experiencing the pain, the loneliness, the hurt. Â However, there are many people out there going through something similar and can offer you that beacon of hope. Â I’ve mentioned this before and I’ll mention it again. Â One of the best things about creating this blog is that I have encountered the most positive and helpful people who are ready to lend an ear whenever you have problems. Â I think it’s paramount to have a support system to reach out to in time of need. Â Even reading other people’s struggles and how they coped can help. *Note: In case your new to this blog, I suffer from Interstitial Cystitis or IC.Â
Another thing that has helped me through weary days is to read quotes, especially ones from the Bible. They provide me with spiritual strength and hope.  Recently, I’ve been avidly reading daily devotionals from the blog Miekeey and it helps me in putting things into perspective and focus on what’s important. It reminds me that there is a bigger picture and while I can’t see it now, one day, I will.
Now, I’d love to hear from you readers and I’m sure anyone who reads this post will also appreciate your feedback.
How do you cope with life when it seems like no hope is in sight?Â
Like you, I scourer the internet looking for people who went through something similar. It’s not that I want to know that other people are equally miserable, I just want to know that I’m not the only one and that it’s okay to feel angry/hurt. It’s also a good way to find ways to cope. I also try not to place any blame if I can help it. Life happens. Bad and good. Sometimes we deserve it, sometimes we don’t. It just is what it is. It helps me to separate what’s in my control from the stuff that I can’t do anything about.
Well said Kaily. I agree reading other people’s stories lets you know that other people are in the same boat and it helps validate your feelings. And yes life isn’t fair at times. Quite frankly, it’s not fair most of the time but there has to be a bigger picture we don’t see just yet, right? It’s a tough question for sure. Thanks for sharing.
Stay strong Stephie. It is interesting how everyone copes with stressful situations in their own way. Your question is a difficult one…
Aww thanks Cos! I am and trying too. It’s definitely hard and trying at times but I just have to gather up my strength and move forward. Yes, it’s not an easy one for sure. So many things happen that aren’t fair but I have to believe it happens for reasons we have yet to see. To me, that’s where faith steps in. Hope you’re doing well!
Hi Stephie, similar to you I turn to my faith to carry me through. I completely agree that the blogging community is very supportive. It was the one thing that surprise me the most about blogging. ?
I find that leaning on faith and bible verses help me pull through. Times can be so challenging and although sometimes I can’t see the light, I try to remind myself that everything will come to pass in HIS time. Love the blogging community. I was scared people would be mean and negative, and while I am sure those people exist, luckily, I’ve run across great people. 🙂
Amen! Feel the same way. Grateful to have met you Stephie through this medium ??
Me too Hilda! 🙂 xo
Hi Stephanie! I’m happy to have found your blog. I too have been diagnosed with interstitial cystitis and have often felt alone with the illness given the little information available out there. When going through an especially difficult time, I make sure to reach out to those I love and who can make me laugh. I more recently began blogging and thus far have fun it incredibly cathartic and supportive.
I look forward to reading more 🙂
Hi Bonnie! So nice to hear from you! I’m so sorry you have also been diagnosed with IC. I hear you on the alone feeling. Not too many people know about IC and it can be hard to find someone who understands what we go through. Although I don’t often write about IC, I do reach out to my fellow bloggers and friends when I’m going through a difficult moment and it helps me cope. I look forward to keeping up with your blog! 🙂