Happy Thursday everyone!
If you’ve ever wondered if the sunscreen found in your makeup is enough to keep you protected, this post is for you.
As an esthetician, one of my main priorities is to explain the importance of using sunscreen on a daily basis. Not only can it help slow down the signs of aging, but since 90% of all skin cancers stem from Ultra Violet Rays (UVR), it can also significantly decrease your risk factor for this potentially deadly disease. So with this information in mind, daily use of sunscreen is non-negotiable in my skincare book and I’m sure you can agree as well.
When I ask clients if they wear sunscreen, the most common response is, “Oh yeah, my makeup (i.e.foundation, BB cream, tinted moisturizer, etc) has SPF.”
While I’m happy to hear they noticed the SPF factor, keep in mind that dermatologists typically recommend applying about one teaspoon of sunscreen to your face and many people won’t use that amount of makeup on their face. Following the guidelines on the recommended amount ensures that you’re receiving the protection you need and is why I always use (and suggest) a separate sunscreen before applying my day makeup. It’s also easier to extend sunscreen application to the neck and chest area which are typically the first places that show signs of aging and places where you’re not likely to apply makeup.
Now, I’d love to hear from you.
Do you rely on SPF in makeup products or do you use a separate one? Which ones are your favorites?